[Dnsmasq-discuss] Specifying a Gateway
Simon Kelley
Mon, 08 Nov 2004 07:22:32 +0000
Steve Elzinga wrote:
> Hello,
> I am afraid that this is a totally rookie question but
> I could not find the information. How do I specify a
> gateway address when running dnsmasq on a computer
> that is not the gateway? I have a linksys "router"
> connected to my cable modem. The Linux computer
> running dnsmasq is connected to the router. The are
> other computers / network appliances connected to the
> router as well. Is there a way through dnsmasq to
> transmit the gateway address? My computers (and
> network appliances) end up using the Linux computer as
> the gateway since they receive their IP address from
> the Linux computer. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Short answer:
Long answer:
You can either add --dhcp-option=3,<gateway address> to the command line
used to run dnsmasq, or put the line
dhcp-option=3,<gateway address>
into /etc/dnsmasq.conf
The magic number 3 here is the DHCP standard option number for "router"
which is specified in RFC 2132. Typing "RFC2132" into Google will find
myriad copies of this.
It's also worth looking in the example configuration file supplied with
the dnsmasq source, which has annotated examples of most of the common
things people want to do, including this one.
Thanks for the question: I hope that answers it OK, (and adds the answer
to the mailing list archive for the use of others.)