[Dnsmasq-discuss] URL filtering

Paul Chambers dnsmasq at lists.bod.org
Tue Mar 17 14:50:00 GMT 2009

It's not that hard to set something up. Though it does require multiple 

I have a cron job that runs daily:

wget --quiet \
     --output-document=/etc/dnsmasq.d/adservers \
sed -i \
     -e 's/127\.0\.0\.1/' \
     -e '/google/ d' \
     -e '/constantcontact.com/ d' \
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart

Basically, pull the pgl list from pgl.yoyo.org, fix up the addresses it 
contains, remove some servers I don't want blocked, then restart dnsmasq 
so it picks up the new list.

I've added an alias on my internal network interface for 
(eth1:0), and then in /etc/httpd/conf.d I've added a file that contains:

     ServerName block.bod.org
     DocumentRoot /var/www/block-ads
     ServerAdmin webmaster at bod.org

     ErrorLog logs/block_error.log
     CustomLog logs/block_access.log combined

     RewriteEngine On
     RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /blocked.html [L]


Basically, any http accesses to will be served blocked.html, 
irrespective of the full URL.

Using squid (or privoxy) as a transparent http proxy is more 
sophisticated, and I may switch to that method eventually. But for now, 
this works pretty well.

Hope this helps,

-- Paul

conn intel wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> Do it supports URL filtering similar to OPENDNS which has whitelist 
> category ? or can anyone suggest how can I achieve it ?
> Kindly let me know if someone need further information.
> Thank you,
> Ankur.

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