[Dnsmasq-discuss] Choosing upstream server based on domain to query AND record type?

Cong Ma frigoris.ma at gmail.com
Tue Mar 6 10:37:23 GMT 2012

Dear all,

I'm thinking about the following usage scenario:

We have a set of upstream DNS servers that answer A and AAAA queries.
However, for AAAA queries of certain domain names, a special server
should be used, but the A queries of the same names should go through
the default servers.

An example usage is Google's IPv6 DNS whitelisting.  When querying
Google's AAAA records, I want the whitelisted nameserver to be used so
that these queries can get an answer with ipv6 addresses.  However, the
Google-whitelisted server may not be suitable for any other purposes,
not even for querying A records for the same names.  Therefore, all
other queries must go through our default upstream.

I wonder if we can do this with dnsmasq.

Best wishes,


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