[Dnsmasq-discuss] [dnsmasq] Errors found by static analysis of source code (Coverity)

Tomas Hozza thozza at redhat.com
Thu Feb 7 15:59:54 GMT 2013

----- Original Message -----
> I'm open to comments about the dnsmasq release process. Would people
> prefer more/less frequent releases?

Maybe some "stable" amount of time between stable releases would be good.
Maybe half a year of so (maybe less or more).

> A different sequence to the test->rc->release currently used.

This is completely fine.

> Stable and development streams?

I think stable and development stream would make sense. Having at least
one (maybe two) stable supported version with bug fixes without adding
any new features. And then one development stream for any new features.
Stable release (test->rc->release) would be branched from development
branch and then tested and stabilised. We use similar approach in Fedora
and it works pretty good.

I have one extra question. Have you ever though about having some TEST
suite for dnsmasq? I can imagine something similar like Nmap's Ncat have.
It's basically a Perl script that provides some basic framework for tests.
So if there is any new feature added or something fixed, also some test
can be added. I would provide a way to check if any new fix/feature did
break anything. It would also allow dnsmasq users to implement tests for
their own use cases. Also requiring a test for new features would be great.
So the developer is required to write a test for his own feature.

Tests would also enable older (not supported) versions of dnsmasq to be
tested in case of backporting some fixes from current version.

Would you be interested in something like this?


Tomas Hozza

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