[Dnsmasq-discuss] dnsmasq and lxc-net integration on fedora 33

Orabuntu-LXC gilbert at orabuntu-lxc.com
Wed Dec 23 15:53:15 GMT 2020


I noticed that lxcbr0 had a mac as shown by ifconfig of 00:16:3e:00:00:00
and suddenly realized the "00:00:00" did not look right.  So used a mac
address random generation function to generate a valid triplet to replace
the 00:00:00 and edited my /etc/sysconfig/lxc-net as follows and then
restarted lxc-net and voila! the nsa2 container got a DHCP address

ifconfig lxcbr0

lxcbr0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        ether 00:16:3e:*00:00:00*  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 61  bytes 4308 (4.2 KiB)[ubuntu at f33sv1 ~]$ cat
# Leave USE_LXC_BRIDGE as "true" if you want to use lxcbr0 for your
# containers.  Set to "false" if you'll use virbr0 or another existing
# bridge, or macvlan to your host's NIC.

# If you change the LXC_BRIDGE to something other than lxcbr0, then
# you will also need to update your /etc/lxc/default.conf as well as the
# configuration (/var/lib/lxc/<container>/config) for any containers
# already created using the default config to reflect the new bridge
# name.
# If you have the dnsmasq daemon installed, you'll also have to update
# /etc/dnsmasq.d/lxc and restart the system wide dnsmasq daemon.
LXC_BRIDGE_MAC="00:16:3e:*8f:2f:ea*"  <-- changed 00:00:00 to 8f:2f:ea
# Uncomment the next line if you'd like to use a conf-file for the lxcbr0
# dnsmasq.  For instance, you can use 'dhcp-host=mail1,' to have
# container 'mail1' always get ip address

# Uncomment the next line if you want lxcbr0's dnsmasq to resolve the .lxc
# domain.  You can then add "server=/lxc/' (or your actual
# to /etc/dnsmasq.conf, after which 'container1.lxc' will resolve on your
# host.

sudo service lxc-net restart

LXC container nsa2 got an ipv4 address directly these changes were made.

[ubuntu at f33sv1 ~]$ sudo lxc-ls -f
[sudo] password for ubuntu:
nsa2 RUNNING 0         - -    false
[ubuntu at f33sv1 ~]$ sudo lxc-attach -n nsa2
root at nsa2:/home/ubuntu# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:3e:13:70:7c
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:15 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:727 (727.0 B)  TX bytes:1390 (1.3 KB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

root at nsa2:/home/ubuntu#

Checking now to see if I can re-enable ipv6 (which I expect should be
fine).  I re-enabled ipv6 but it still is having some problems getting an
ipv4 address in the container.  I find that if I attach to the container
and run "dhclient" I can get an address reliably with ipv6 enabled in
sysctl and with a proper mac address on lxcbr0, but that the container is
not getting an ipv4 address automatically when started (I have to attach
and run "dhclient" inside the container).

[ubuntu at f33sv1 ~]$ sudo lxc-attach -n nsa2
root at nsa2:/home/ubuntu# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:3e:13:70:7c
          inet6 addr: fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:2 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:108 (108.0 B)  TX bytes:656 (656.0 B)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

root at nsa2:/home/ubuntu# dhclient
root at nsa2:/home/ubuntu# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:3e:13:70:7c
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:10 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:453 (453.0 B)  TX bytes:1068 (1.0 KB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

But this is progress ... also I have the following firewalld set:

[ubuntu at f33sv1 ~]$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=dhcp --permanent
Warning: ALREADY_ENABLED: dhcp
[ubuntu at f33sv1 ~]$

So still working out which moving parts here are actually at issue ... but
progress made.

On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 9:00 AM Orabuntu-LXC <gilbert at orabuntu-lxc.com>

> Next I tried listening on the veth that LXC creates when the container is
> started.  Once it was up, I logged into the LXC container nsa2 and ran the
> command "dhclient" at the command line of the container.  Now I see some
> traffic on ports 67 and 68 as follows but still not understanding what is
> happening here.
> vethLVRkjQ: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
>         inet6 fe80::fcb2:39ff:fe74:cb61  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
>         ether fe:b2:39:74:cb:61  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
>         RX packets 7  bytes 586 (586.0 B)
>         RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
>         TX packets 14  bytes 1224 (1.1 KiB)
>         TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
> [ubuntu at f33sv1 ~]$ sudo tcpdump -i vethLVRkjQ -vvv -s 1500 '((port 67 or
> port 68))'
> dropped privs to tcpdump
> tcpdump: listening on vethLVRkjQ, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture
> size 1500 bytes
> 08:57:05.392702 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 128, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto
> UDP (17), length 328)
> > [udp sum ok] BOOTP/DHCP,
> Request from 00:16:3e:13:70:7c (oui Unknown), length 300, xid 0xb7304d0f,
> Flags [none] (0x0000)
>  Client-Ethernet-Address 00:16:3e:13:70:7c (oui Unknown)
>  Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
>    Magic Cookie 0x63825363
>    DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: Discover
>    Hostname Option 12, length 4: "nsa2"
>    Parameter-Request Option 55, length 13:
>      Subnet-Mask, BR, Time-Zone, Default-Gateway
>      Domain-Name, Domain-Name-Server, Option 119, Hostname
>      Netbios-Name-Server, Netbios-Scope, MTU, Classless-Static-Route
>      NTP
>    END Option 255, length 0
>    PAD Option 0, length 0, occurs 35
> 08:57:08.398285 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 64, id 7927, offset 0, flags [none],
> proto UDP (17), length 328)
>     f33sv1.bootps > [bad udp cksum 0x1bec -> 0x19ab!]
> BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length 300, xid 0xb7304d0f, Flags [none] (0x0000)
>  Your-IP
>  Server-IP f33sv1
>  Client-Ethernet-Address 00:16:3e:13:70:7c (oui Unknown)
>  Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
>    Magic Cookie 0x63825363
>    DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: Offer
>    Server-ID Option 54, length 4: f33sv1
>    Lease-Time Option 51, length 4: 3600
>    RN Option 58, length 4: 1800
>    RB Option 59, length 4: 3150
>    Subnet-Mask Option 1, length 4:
>    BR Option 28, length 4:
>    Default-Gateway Option 3, length 4: f33sv1
>    Domain-Name-Server Option 6, length 4: f33sv1
>    Domain-Name Option 15, length 3: "lxc"
>    END Option 255, length 0
>    PAD Option 0, length 0, occurs 3
> 08:57:08.398693 IP (tos 0x10, ttl 128, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto
> UDP (17), length 328)
> > [udp sum ok] BOOTP/DHCP,
> Request from 00:16:3e:13:70:7c (oui Unknown), length 300, xid 0xb7304d0f,
> Flags [none] (0x0000)
>  Client-Ethernet-Address 00:16:3e:13:70:7c (oui Unknown)
>  Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
>    Magic Cookie 0x63825363
>    DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: Request
>    Server-ID Option 54, length 4: f33sv1
>    Requested-IP Option 50, length 4:
>    Hostname Option 12, length 4: "nsa2"
>    Parameter-Request Option 55, length 13:
>      Subnet-Mask, BR, Time-Zone, Default-Gateway
>      Domain-Name, Domain-Name-Server, Option 119, Hostname
>      Netbios-Name-Server, Netbios-Scope, MTU, Classless-Static-Route
>      NTP
>    END Option 255, length 0
>    PAD Option 0, length 0, occurs 23
> 08:57:08.413078 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 64, id 7931, offset 0, flags [none],
> proto UDP (17), length 331)
>     f33sv1.bootps > [bad udp cksum 0x1bef -> 0x3afb!]
> BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length 303, xid 0xb7304d0f, Flags [none] (0x0000)
>  Your-IP
>  Server-IP f33sv1
>  Client-Ethernet-Address 00:16:3e:13:70:7c (oui Unknown)
>  Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
>    Magic Cookie 0x63825363
>    DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: ACK
>    Server-ID Option 54, length 4: f33sv1
>    Lease-Time Option 51, length 4: 3600
>    RN Option 58, length 4: 1800
>    RB Option 59, length 4: 3150
>    Subnet-Mask Option 1, length 4:
>    BR Option 28, length 4:
>    Default-Gateway Option 3, length 4: f33sv1
>    Domain-Name-Server Option 6, length 4: f33sv1
>    Domain-Name Option 15, length 3: "lxc"
>    Hostname Option 12, length 4: "nsa2"
>    END Option 255, length 0
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 8:40 AM Orabuntu-LXC <gilbert at orabuntu-lxc.com>
> wrote:
>> I ran tcpdump this morning wide open (when I ran it for port 67 and port
>> 68 there was zero traffic detected when starting the lxc container nsa2).
>> When I ran tcpdump wide open I got the following traffic detected when the
>> lxc container starts.  I again tried turning off firewalld completely and
>> this is still what I get as shown below.  Wondering what is going on here?
>> [ubuntu at f33sv1 ~]$ sudo tcpdump -i lxcbr0 -vvv
>> dropped privs to tcpdump
>> tcpdump: listening on lxcbr0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size
>> 262144 bytes
>> 08:34:39.305449 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 1, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
>> IGMP (2), length 40, options (RA))
>>     f33sv1 > igmp.mcast.net: igmp v3 report, 1 group record(s) [gaddr
>> to_ex { }]
>> 08:34:39.305469 IP6 (hlim 1, next-header Options (0) payload length: 76)
>> f33sv1 > ff02::16: HBH (rtalert: 0x0000) (padn) [icmp6 sum ok] ICMP6,
>> multicast listener report v2, 3 group record(s) [gaddr ff02::1:3 to_ex { }]
>> [gaddr ff02::1:ff00:0 to_ex { }] [gaddr ff02::6a to_ex { }]
>> 08:34:39.305542 IP6 (hlim 1, next-header Options (0) payload length: 36)
>> :: > ff02::16: HBH (rtalert: 0x0000) (padn) [icmp6 sum ok] ICMP6, multicast
>> listener report v2, 1 group record(s) [gaddr ff02::1:ff13:707c to_ex { }]
>> 08:34:39.397672 IP6 (hlim 1, next-header Options (0) payload length: 76)
>> f33sv1 > ff02::16: HBH (rtalert: 0x0000) (padn) [icmp6 sum ok] ICMP6,
>> multicast listener report v2, 3 group record(s) [gaddr ff02::1:3 to_ex { }]
>> [gaddr ff02::1:ff00:0 to_ex { }] [gaddr ff02::6a to_ex { }]
>> 08:34:39.445676 IP6 (hlim 1, next-header Options (0) payload length: 36)
>> :: > ff02::16: HBH (rtalert: 0x0000) (padn) [icmp6 sum ok] ICMP6, multicast
>> listener report v2, 1 group record(s) [gaddr ff02::1:ff13:707c to_ex { }]
>> 08:34:39.765786 IP6 (hlim 255, next-header ICMPv6 (58) payload length:
>> 32) :: > ff02::1:ff13:707c: [icmp6 sum ok] ICMP6, neighbor solicitation,
>> length 32, who has fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c
>>  unknown option (14), length 8 (1):
>>    0x0000:  f203 5136 6f9a
>> 08:34:39.891089 IP6 (hlim 255, next-header ICMPv6 (58) payload length:
>> 32) f33sv1 > ff02::1:ff13:707c: [icmp6 sum ok] ICMP6, neighbor
>> solicitation, length 32, who has fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c
>>  source link-address option (1), length 8 (1): 00:16:3e:00:00:00
>>    0x0000:  0016 3e00 0000
>> 08:34:40.029649 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 1, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
>> IGMP (2), length 40, options (RA))
>>     f33sv1 > igmp.mcast.net: igmp v3 report, 1 group record(s) [gaddr
>> to_ex { }]
>> 08:34:40.797778 IP6 (hlim 1, next-header Options (0) payload length: 36)
>> fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c > ff02::16: HBH (rtalert: 0x0000) (padn) [icmp6
>> sum ok] ICMP6, multicast listener report v2, 1 group record(s) [gaddr
>> ff02::1:ff13:707c to_ex { }]
>> 08:34:40.797796 IP6 (hlim 255, next-header ICMPv6 (58) payload length:
>> 16) fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c > ff02::2: [icmp6 sum ok] ICMP6, router
>> solicitation, length 16
>>  source link-address option (1), length 8 (1): 00:16:3e:13:70:7c
>>    0x0000:  0016 3e13 707c
>> 08:34:40.925732 IP6 (hlim 255, next-header ICMPv6 (58) payload length:
>> 32) f33sv1 > ff02::1:ff13:707c: [icmp6 sum ok] ICMP6, neighbor
>> solicitation, length 32, who has fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c
>>  source link-address option (1), length 8 (1): 00:16:3e:00:00:00
>>    0x0000:  0016 3e00 0000
>> 08:34:40.925787 IP6 (hlim 255, next-header ICMPv6 (58) payload length:
>> 32) fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c > f33sv1: [icmp6 sum ok] ICMP6, neighbor
>> advertisement, length 32, tgt is fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c, Flags
>> [solicited, override]
>>  destination link-address option (2), length 8 (1): 00:16:3e:13:70:7c
>>    0x0000:  0016 3e13 707c
>> 08:34:40.925797 IP6 (flowlabel 0xb6a64, hlim 1, next-header TCP (6)
>> payload length: 44) f33sv1.60688 > fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c.hostmon: Flags
>> [S], cksum 0xebef (incorrect -> 0xb854), seq 2709608773, win 64800, options
>> [mss 1440,sackOK,TS val 789202957 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7,tfo
>>  cookiereq,nop,nop], length 0
>> 08:34:40.925818 IP6 (flowlabel 0xed86d, hlim 64, next-header TCP (6)
>> payload length: 20) fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c.hostmon > f33sv1.60688: Flags
>> [R.], cksum 0xebd7 (incorrect -> 0xc74f), seq 0, ack 2709608774, win 0,
>> length 0
>> 08:34:41.693783 IP6 (hlim 1, next-header Options (0) payload length: 36)
>> fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c > ff02::16: HBH (rtalert: 0x0000) (padn) [icmp6
>> sum ok] ICMP6, multicast listener report v2, 1 group record(s) [gaddr
>> ff02::1:ff13:707c to_ex { }]
>> 08:34:44.509930 IP6 (hlim 255, next-header ICMPv6 (58) payload length:
>> 16) fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c > ff02::2: [icmp6 sum ok] ICMP6, router
>> solicitation, length 16
>>  source link-address option (1), length 8 (1): 00:16:3e:13:70:7c
>>    0x0000:  0016 3e13 707c
>> 08:34:46.045831 IP6 (hlim 255, next-header ICMPv6 (58) payload length:
>> 32) fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c > f33sv1: [icmp6 sum ok] ICMP6, neighbor
>> solicitation, length 32, who has f33sv1
>>  source link-address option (1), length 8 (1): 00:16:3e:13:70:7c
>>    0x0000:  0016 3e13 707c
>> 08:34:46.045891 IP6 (hlim 255, next-header ICMPv6 (58) payload length:
>> 24) f33sv1 > fe80::216:3eff:fe13:707c: [icmp6 sum ok] ICMP6, neighbor
>> advertisement, length 24, tgt is f33sv1, Flags [solicited]
>> On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 12:14 AM Orabuntu-LXC <gilbert at orabuntu-lxc.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, I cannot get dnsmasq to issue a dhcp address via lxc-net on fedora
>>> 33.  I have compared it to a working system on Ubuntu 20.04 and what I find
>>> is that when an lxc container starts, there is DHCPOFFER normal activity in
>>> lxc-net status on Ubuntu 20.04, but not on Fedora 33 where the
>>> configuration is afaik exactly the same.
>>> I have tried various firewalld settings in case firewalld was blocking
>>> somehow, but nothing has worked including disabling firewalld entirely as
>>> well as disabling selinux entirely.  Tomorrow I will try  tcpdump and see
>>> if there are clues there.  Thanks!
>>> --
>>> Gilbert Standen
>>> Creator Orabuntu-LXC
>>> 914-261-4594
>>> gilbert at orabuntu-lxc.com
>> --
>> Gilbert Standen
>> Creator Orabuntu-LXC
>> 914-261-4594
>> gilbert at orabuntu-lxc.com
> --
> Gilbert Standen
> Creator Orabuntu-LXC
> 914-261-4594
> gilbert at orabuntu-lxc.com

Gilbert Standen
Creator Orabuntu-LXC
gilbert at orabuntu-lxc.com
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