[Dnsmasq-discuss] Re: using squid with dnsmasq and hosts file

Troy Piggins troy at piggo.com
Wed Jul 30 21:19:57 BST 2008

* sbolic wrote :
> I am  a new  user  of dnsmasq using squid on my network. dnsmasq with  
> dhcp works fine and I need help to config dhcp to send proxy parameters  
> to clients to force them to use squid.
> Can you help me with this or just post your dnsmasq.conf file.

I have set this up recently using iptables, squid, dnsmasq.  It's
called a transparent proxy.  What version of squid are you using?
The solution varies slightly from V2 to V3 I think, and also on
your network arrangement - what box are you running squid,
iptables, dnsmasq on?  On mine, they're all the same box.

Troy Piggins | http://piggo.com/~troy                           
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