[Dnsmasq-discuss] Dynamic DNS

/dev/rob0 rob0 at gmx.co.uk
Thu Jun 24 18:06:51 BST 2010

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 09:51:57AM +0100, Alberto Cuesta-Canada
> are there any plans of implementing Dynamic DNS for dnsmasq? 
> There is a perl script that adds that functionality here:
> http://psydev.syw4e.info/new/dynamic-dnsmasq/dynamic-dnsmasq.pl

I don't understand all the desire to invent new protocols for dynamic 
DNS. RFC 2136 handles it quite well. If dnsmasq were to add another
protocol, it should be RFC 2136. Dyndns.org's protocol is not a 

Some years back, before I really understood 2136, I wrote a perl/CGI 
frontend for nsupdate(8) which does something similar without 
exposing another root-owned TCP socket to the world. By means of 
permissions on a copy of the key, I was able to allow the httpd(8) 
user to run nsupdate after authenticating the user.

(Perhaps your perl script could be amended to run as the dnsmasq 
user; I think that would be a very good idea.)

Another thing I'm not understanding is why is this needed? Are you 
running dnsmasq as authoritative nameserver for the world? I hope 
Simon will correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see that as a 
typical role for dnsmasq.
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