[Dnsmasq-discuss] announce prefix only

Moritz Warning moritzwarning at web.de
Mon Oct 27 18:49:46 GMT 2014

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Thanks for elaborating on the options.

But what is the A-Bit?
I am only aware of the M and O-Bit:

On 10/26/2014 11:55 PM, Gui Iribarren wrote:
> 26/10/14 15:54, Moritz Warning:
>> hi,
>> I get confused a bit with slaac, ra-names etc..
> hehe... it took me some time to get my head around it too :)
> ra-names it's just a "feature" that you add on top of slaac or ra-stateless
> both slaac and ra-stateless will set the A bit (=yes)
> so hosts will autoconfigure themselves addresses
> the difference is that slaac will unset O bit (=no), so hosts will just
> get the RA, autoconfig an address, and that's it,
> while ra-stateless sets the O bit (=yes), so after hosts get the RA,
> they are expected to send a DHCPv6 request for "other" information (dns
> server, dns domain...)
> in both cases, tho, the address is autoconfigured, since M bit is unset
> (no DHCPv6 transaction to receive an address)
> unless you specify a range, of course, like
> dhcp-range=2001:db8::1,2001:db8::400
> which sets the M bit (=yes), so if you append either slaac or
> ra-stateless, will result in hosts getting 2 addresses: one
> autoconfigured, and one transactd through DHCPv6
>> In my case the router does not have Internet access,
>> but still, I like the clients to have slaac addresses
>> according to some specific prefix (fdef:..).
>> So that I do not have to resort to link local addresses.
>> I think I need the A and M bit unset in the RA packets.
> mmh.. you need the A bit *set*, to make hosts have slaac addresses
>> But how can this be accomplished?
> any of the following possibilites
> dhcp-range=2001:db8::,slaac
> dhcp-range=2001:db8::,ra-stateless
> dhcp-range=2001:db8::,slaac,ra-names
> dhcp-range=2001:db8::,ra-stateless,ra-names
> all of those will have M bit unset (no dhcpv6 range specified)
> the second (and 4th) allows you to tell hosts for ex. dns domain
> dhcp-option=option6:domain-search,red.deltalibre.org.ar
> and the last two, if combined with dhcpv4, will also try to discover
> hosts autoconfig addresses and relate those (resolve) to names learned
> by dhcpv4
> hope i didn't mix things up,
> cheers!
> gui
>> Thanks for the help.
>> - mwarning
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