[Dnsmasq-discuss] DHCP hosts without active leaes not added to DNS cache

Dominik Derigs dl6er at dl6er.de
Tue Feb 23 13:45:52 UTC 2021

On Tue, 2021-02-23 at 09:41 +0000, Simon Kelley wrote:
> This is almost a FAQ. It's intended behaviour, because you can have
> multiple DHCP host records for the same MAC address with different
> addresses on different subnets. Only the address which matches the
> subnet where the host last created or renewed a DHCP lease is active.
> This makes, eg, a laptop which turns up on different wireless
> networks
> useful.

Hey Simon,

Thanks for your explanation. Before writing to the mailing list, I made
sure to check the man page for --dhcp-host. Now that you repeated the
reasoning for me, I vaguely remember having read this some longer time
ago here. Copy-pasting your explanation to the man page seems helpful
for future readers.


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