[Dnsmasq-discuss] How may is too many CNAME references?

Dominik Derigs dl6er at dl6er.de
Mon Sep 27 10:58:18 UTC 2021

Hey Enrico,

On Mon, 2021-09-27 at 12:21 +0200, Ercolino de Spiacico wrote:
> the time required is not linear

This is expected as inserted CNAMEs are checked against the
entire list to prevent adding duplicates. Hence, when adding more
and more new entries, the have to be checked against more and
more already existing entries. Hostname checking is a non-linear
task, too (because it depends on the length of the individual
names), so I'd say CNAME insertion goes roughly like O(N^2.5).

This seems to fit your experiment pretty well.


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